DIAG4ZOO performs genetic analysis of seafood products to determine their species
DIAG4ZOO was recently retained by a food manufacturer to verify the traceability of the products purchased and confirm that the species of tuna ordered corresponded to the product delivered Montpellier, April 26th 2021 According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), “tuna catches of all species reached their highest level in […]
The Diag4Zoo team is involved in a study on the exposure of the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas, to a herbicide, diuron.
In collaboration with Ifremer and Acobiom, the Diag4Zoo technical team analyzed the toxicogenomic effects of diuron on Pacific oysters and the impact of this herbicide on several generations of oysters Montpellier, September 4th 2017 In a study published in August 2017 in the journal Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, scientific teams from Ifremer and technical teams […]